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Re: SRCA Whistleblowers Update


To: hampsteadgroup Date: Tue, 15 Jan 2019 21:15:30 +0530 Attachments: normanscarth.jpg (25.8 KB), angeladisney3.jpg (35.5 KB),

juliaspivack.jpg (25.6 KB)

Theocratic Parliament of Britain St Anthony - locking up the police, judiciary and the govt and letting the prisoners go free I really give respect to our veteran whistleblower and World War II seadog, Norman Scarth, 93, fmrly of Bradford, but now in exile from the UK gestapo in Athlone, Co Westmeath for spending time to write a detailed and lengthy account concerning Sabine McNeill's appalling sentence by Sally Cahill QC on 9th Jan 2019 at Southwark Crown Court which is 100% ILLEGAL ie. lock up the baby-eaters and let the whistleblowers go FREE!! Meanwhile, our 'X-Girl', Angela Disney, 61, in Oldcastle, Co Meath has revealed further details regarding the totally bizarre behaviour of MI5 agent, Annie Hart, 55, in Kensington who's now totally in cahoots with the Hoaxtead mob and idolises head satanist, Ricky Dearman, 49, in Hampstead and also new kid on the Hoaxtead block, Wavy Evergreen, 61, in W. Mids. I mean, where the hell do these devil-worshippers get their crazy names from or do they simply pull them out of a hat? Now, apparently Prof George Lees, 61, in Kelso, Scotland is following Hoaxtead's example by using the fake name Gobsmack on Field McConnell's latest YouTube vid, but as he's got a broad Scottish accent I managed to suss him out, but forgive me if I'm wrong. Anyway, I exhort all truthers to not hide behind fake names and fake addresses like the satanists do as we who are of the truth proudly proclaim our allegiance to God and do not fear what the devil worshippers may do unto us. Finally, Dr Julia Spivack, 58, in Steppingley, Beds weighs in with the assertion that the devil worshippers have been ruling planet earth for millenia, but now we have the Internet to expose them all - pretty neat, huh. Yours in the battle for planet earth, Rev Dr Anthony G. Pike (UK) Cosmic Research Foundation Markapur, A.P. 523316, India E-Mail Tel 91-8596-224312/9959-684635 Date 15th Jan 2019

From: norman scarth <>


Subject: Re: SRCA Whistleblowers Update

Date: Tue, 15 Jan 2019 01:47:30 +0000

In her time as a barrister, Sally Cahill was an important figure at Park Lane Chambers, Leeds. Was she a monster then? Is she a monster now? We have been told that for putting something on the Internet Sabine McNeill aged 74 with a blameless life behind her was sentenced by Judge Sally Cahill QC to 9 yrs in prison reduced from 12 yrs because of her age. Since then we have been told that it was 4 yrs for stalking, 4 yrs for harassment and 4 yrs for breach of a restraining order. Below is my understanding of how things should be. Surely, in such a circumstance, the sentences are served concurrently? Very rarely are they to be served consecutively? So, if Judge Sally Cahill QC was following usual practice for the harassment with 50% remission and time already in prison on remand, Sabine should be released anytime soon. Regarding the breach of restraining order, this is a form of contempt of court for which the maximum is 2 yrs imprisonment. If the 4 yrs is valid, automatic remission brings it down to 2 yrs which means Sabine has only another year or so before release which is bad enough, but not as bad as 9 yrs! I sincerely hope that Judge Cahill's intention was as I describe above. If so, then she is neither better nor worse than other members of the legal/judicial mafia. If her intention was that the sentences be consecutive, then she is a monster! Whether concurrent or consecutive, the fact that Sabine is in prison at all, as are many others who expose corruption in high places, compares ill with the treatment accorded to Tony Blair. This war criminal and mass murderer is not only free to jet between luxury mansions at home and millionaire playgrounds abroad, but is paid vast sums for speaking engagements and fawned upon by the BBC as though he were some elder statesman. Such is Britain in the 21st century! A short history of the 1998 Protection from Harassment Act is warranted now. It is one of the worst of the many bad laws brought in during recent years and did not come into force until Blair's regime came into power. Like many of them, it was brought in for what appeared to be good reason, but was actually intended for a very different purpose. Over several decades, women were being murdered by stalkers who were usually ex-husbands or lovers. Begging the police for protection, they were told nothing we can do till he commits a crime. Much belatedly, the Protection from Harassment Act was brought in supposedly to enable police to arrest the stalkers before they committed the murders. Tragically, it was not used for that purpose as the murders continued as before. Instead, it was used as intended as a weapon with which police could harass law abiding people such as Sabine and used by them with enthusiasm! Addendum, in 2003 at Judge Cahill's luxury home in East Keswick nr Wetherby, W. Yorks her husband, Patrick Cahill, blew his brains out with a shotgun. Norman Scarth

From: julia spivack <>



Subject: Re: SRCA Whistleblowers Update

Date: Mon, 14 Jan 2019 22:09:30 +0000

Its never been great Britain as the satanists have been running the whole planet for millenia. It was always a cesspool of demon-possessed baby-raping satanic filth as according to the Bible Jesus referred to them as the tares or the seed of the evil one, but they didn't have the Internet then to expose it. Dr Julia Spivack BSc (Hons) MSc (Ayur) Natural Medicine Physician Tel 01525-719588

From: angela disney <>


Subject: Re: SRCA Whistleblowers Update

Date: Mon, 14 Jan 2019 18:13:30 +0000

Thanks Anthony, Christine Joanna Hart has hooked up overtly with Hoaxtead troll, Wavy Evergreen, so not only has she described Ricky Dearman as drop dead gorgeous, but now proclaims Wavy Evergreen, who is spreading vicious rumours attacking my children, to be a real man. I think someone needs to tell her, her picker is broken! God bless, Angie

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