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Uri Geller

From: Rev Dr Anthony G. Pike (

To: urigeller (

Date: Tue, 3 Sep 2024 06:59:30 +0100

Attachments: agpchrist (50.2 KB), agpmkr.jpg (28.5 KB), agpwant.jpg (89.0 KB)

Dear Uri, Its been a while since we last met about 30 yrs ago and a lot of water has passed under the bridge since that time, including being kicked out of my beloved cave in the Indian wilderness in 2022 by the Modi gestapo. Anyway, to bring you up to scratch regarding your new home in Israel, the ruler of Israel is the late King Solomon II aka Gershon Salomon (1937-2022) of the Theocratic Parliament of Israel who sadly failed to get his beloved Temple rebuilt before his death. Now, Gershon is the last ruler of Israel before the Messiah returns, but I don't want to leave you out entirely so have appointed you as the Minister of Psychic Affairs of the Theocratic Parliament of Israel which is non-revocable. AGP


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