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Anandamayi Ma Pt 2

Date: Thu, 22 Aug 2024 08:21:30 +0100

Attachments: anandamayima2.jpg (107 KB), jesusworld.jpg (65.2 KB)

Well Jeremy, You seem to be an all-rounder operating in slo-mo judging by your latest comment and the time it took to reply, but your one plus point is that you did actually reply. However, you do realise that your comment ignores the existence of God and the laws of the universe, but while the Bible was written by men rather than God, which does allow for a certain level of flexibility, you seem to have thrown the Bible, God and the universe out of the window. Tony


Subject: Re: Anandamayi Ma

Date: Wed, 21 Aug 2024 20:57:30 +0100

All roads lead to enlightenment. Well eventually they do! That is the great plan. Jerry


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