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Holohoax Update

To: cosmicrfgroup

Date: Mon, 2 Sep 2024 15:46:30 +0100

Attachments: holohoax.jpg (131 KB), redcross.jpg (121 KB)

Theocratic Parliament of Israel

St Anthony - making Israel great again by rebuilding God's temple in Jerusalem

It seems the Jewish-controlled mainstream media are always shooting themselves in the head when it comes to evidence that it was the Jewish-run US/UK/USSR axis of evil that resulted in the deaths of 200,000 Jewish inmates in Hitler's labour camps because they won the war thus causing supplies to the camps to be cut off resulting in 200,000 Jews dying of disease, malnutrition and hypothermia, but the persistent propaganda promulgated by Jewish-run mainstream media is that 6 million non-existent Jews were gassed to death in non-existent gas chambers whereas the reality was that there was a total of 4 million Jews in Europe at the start of the war and 3.8 million Jews in Europe at the end of the war, so did 3.8 million Jews all wear gas masks? Anyway, 200,000 Jews did die as a result of the Jewish-run US/UK/USSR axis of evil cutting off supplies to the camps just as the Jewish-run US/UK/EU axis of evil is murdering 5 million Palestinians today using the same tactics. O well, c'est la vie, that's life as they say in old Chinatown!!

Yours in the battle for planet earth,

Rev Dr Anthony G. Pike (UK)

Cosmic Research Foundation

Newark, Notts NG24, England

Tel 44-7742-555574/7719-495111

Date 2nd Sept 2024



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