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Re: Anandamayi Ma

Date: Mon, 19 Aug 2024 07:39:30 +0100

Attachments: anadamayima1.jpg (171 KB), agpanjali2.jpg (144 KB)

Thanks, Jeremy, for your great words of wisdom. The beggar Anjali who attempted to murder her headmaster with a rock to the head and was promptly expelled from school, lucky for her, knew far more than all the useless idiots from Harrow, Eton, Oxford and Cambridge. You see beggars have not been brainwashed by the system like you, Heather, Robin and Jolyon and most everyone else ie. you are all products of the system. I, however, knew inside myself something was wrong as did Ma who, like me, was brought up in the system, but eventually rebelled against it. It is, therefore, a great blessing to be blessed by a beggar both in my own case and in Ma's case. If, however, you had forsaken your int'l bankster lifestyle and married a beggar like I did its possible that you would have received enlightenment a la Ma and myself. Tony


Subject: Re: Anandamayi Ma

Date: Sun, 18 Aug 2024 20:08:30 +0100

Well that lady guru is singing from a hymn sheet I recognise, although not sure about these beggars that outshine her! However, to quote an old phrase in relation to Anjali, we don't always remember people because of what they say and do, but sometimes because of what they cause in us. Jerry


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