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Re: Israel v West Bank

To: cosmicrfgroup

Date: Sun, 1 Sep 2024 11:19:30 +0100

Attachments: gaza.jpg (405 KB), gaza1.jpg (258 KB), gaza8.jpg (665 KB)

Theocratic Parliament of Israel

'Israel is mass murdering 5 million Palestinians with the full backing of the Jewish-run US/UK/EU axis of evil who claim that 6 million Jews were killed by Germans in World War II when in fact it was 7 million Germans killed by Jews' St Anthony

As you may know by now, Israel orchestrated the mass murder of 7 million Germans in World War II and the mass murder of 3000 people in the WTC on 11th Sept 2001 and the mass murder of millions of Palestinians since 1948 even unto this day. So, why does the world sit back in their armchairs and watch this destruction and mass murder without lifting a finger to stop it and in fact encourage it? Simple, the world is 100% owned and controlled by JEWS. You see, the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion published in 1905 clearly outlines the Jewish control of the world, but sadly nobody believes it because the Jews are God's chosen people. Well, the Jews were God's chosen people 3500 yrs ago, but they became apostate shortly thereafter when they began worshipping the golden calf resulting in God condemning them to eternal hell and then 1500 yrs later Jesus again condemned the Jews to eternal hell in AD30 followed by wolves in sheep's clothing entering the church at the Council of Jerusalem in AD50 resulting in Christians being condemned by God to eternal hell even unto this day. So, folks, welcome to the pagan world of planet earth run by apostate Jews and Christians. So, all St Anthony can say as God's judgment falls on an apostate world is may God have mercy on us ALL!!

Yours in the battle for planet earth,

Rev Dr Anthony G. Pike (UK)

Cosmic Research Foundation

Newark, Notts NG24, England

Tel 44-7742-555574/7719-495111

Date 1st Sept 2024


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