Physicality of Universe
To: cosmicrfgroup
Date: Tue, 11 Mar 2025 12:55:30 +0000
Attachments: milkyway.jpg (53.5 KB), soul.jpg (52.7 KB)
Global Theocratic Movement
'Everything in the universe is physical not ethereal or spiritual' St Anthony
Ever wondered about the consistency of the universe? No, of course you haven't because you have been totally brainwashed from cradle to grave by a bunch of LIES. Yep, that's right, my dear brain-dead demo(n)cratic capitalist imbeciles, you just don't get it because you've been purposely taught not to get it as SLAVES should only know what their MASTER wants them to know ie. absolutely NOTHING!! Anyway, be that as it may, its been proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that the SOUL is PHYSICAL not ethereal or spiritual ie. it has a physical weight of 3/8-3/4 ounce and likewise the universe is physical not ethereal or spiritual as is God, Jesus and angels, but their physicality can be far less dense than normal humans and can therefore pass through brick walls and other solid objects. So, my dear demo(n)cratic capitalist friend, WAKE UP and realise that your soul leaves the body at death and continues on either in a physical hell beneath your feet or in the happy hunting ground in the sky - pretty neat, huh.
Yours in the battle for planet earth,
Rev Dr Anthony G. Pike (UK)
Cosmic Research Foundation
Newark, Notts NG24, England
Tel 44-7742-555574/7719-495111
Date 11th March 2025
