Global Meltdown Commences!
To: cosmicrfgroup
Date: Tue, 4 Mar 2025 08:29:30 +0000
Attachments: trumpmug1.jpg (23.2 KB), donaldputin.jpg (160 KB),
trumpgaza1.jpg (70.5 KB), dontrump.jpg (64.1 KB)
Theocratic Parliament of America
'Trump is either a psycho, a liar or a schizo or a combination of all three' St Anthony
Global all out war between Trump and the rest of the world has now commenced, including cutting off all aid to Ukraine and Gaza and implementing massive taxes on all countries doing business with the US. Meanwhile, Putin and Netanyahu are rubbing their hands in glee as Trump doubles down on his support for the world's 2 greatest mass murdering killers in human history equalled only to the Jews mass murder of 7 million Germans in World War II. So, folks, its decision time on planet earth, you either REPENT and come join the global theocratic revolution to overthrow the Antichrist and establish God's paradaisical kingdom on earth or you perish forever in eternal hell - the CHOICE, my dear dumbed-down drugged-up demo(n)cratic capitalist infidel, is YOURS!!
Yours in the battle for planet earth,
Rev Dr Anthony G. Pike (UK)
Cosmic Research Foundation
Newark, Notts NG24, England
Tel 44-7742-555574/7719-495111
Date 4th March 2025
