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Re: Faith v Law Update

To: cosmicrfgroup

Date: Sat, 15 Jun 2024 12:39:30 +0100

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Global Theocratic Movement

St Anthony - keeping the faith of Jesus and the commandments of God (Rev 14.12)

'According to Jesus, you can't have faith without obedience or obedience without faith' St Anthony

I appreciate that everyone on a hell planet like earth all think they're going to heaven, but let me remind you that NO ONE on a hell planet goes to heaven unless they've been CHOSEN to do so and taken there by God. In this respect, in Biblical records only 4 people have been taken to heaven ie. their bodies are not found on earth a) Enoch b) Moses c) Elijah d) Jesus. Now, in addition to this there are many thousands of people who go missing without trace and some who are found dead and mutilated beyond recognition, but these are all victims of alien abduction as on a hell planet like earth DEMONS rule over every single person and every single govt and country and control all mass media and all education. Thus, everything you see around you is 100% DEMONIC!! So, if you want to go to heaven and be one of the chosen few you will have to abandon all forms of man-made religion whether it be Christianity which is the literal Antichrist at Rome or Judaism which is a totally apostate religion run by mass murdering psychopaths or Islam which was a warped version of Christianity and Judaism or the idolatrous religion of Hinduism or the esoteric religion of Buddhism or my ancestor Albert Pike's Freemasonry which recruits gullible Christians into its fold and converts them to Luciferianism. So, what a totally diabolical world we live in which is now in its death throes and will end in one final cataclysm with the chosen few being airlifted out as was Enoch, Moses, Elijah and Jesus - even so, come Lord Jesus (Rev 22.20).

Yours in the battle for planet earth,

Rev Dr Anthony G. Pike (UK)

Cosmic Research Foundation

Newark, Notts NG24, England

Tel 44-7742-555574/7719-495111

Date 15th June 2024

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