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Re: Billy Carson

To: cosmicrfgroup

Date: Tue, 18 June 2024 17:19:30 +0100

Attachments: mauricedoreal.jpg (99.7 KB), josephsmith.jpg (53.7 KB)

Institute of Satanic Studies

'Does anyone have a clue about anything - no' St Anthony

'People would rather lock me up to shut me up than face reality' St Anthony

'Everything that people do is the exact opposite of what God has ordered them to do' St Anthony

Why is it that everyone always follows the teachings of Satanists of all shapes and sizes rather than follow Jesus? Yer, but, St Anthony, the world does follow Jesus as all religions believe in Jesus. Look, my dear demented brain-dead demon-possessed zombie, nobody follows the teachings of Jesus because if they did demo(n)cracy and capitalism aka worship of demons and money would be abolished and we'd all be living in paradise on earth. Wow, St Anthony, that's cool. Yes, of course its cool, but nobody ever does it because they're addicted to their gizmos and artificial environment all around them and their slavery to their 9-5 jobs for the Antichrist and their constant bombardment with total insanity on the gogglebox. Anyway, getting back to the case in hand, devil worshipper, Billy Carson, 52, in Ft Lauderdale, FL who follows the teachings of the Brotherhood of the White Temple founder, Maurice Doreal aka Claude Dodgin (1902-1963), who worships the Egyptian God Thoth is a prime example of modern day devil worship masquerading as alternative New Age religion. Remember, the founder of Mormonism, Joseph Smith (1805-1844), claimed to have found and translated the Book of Mormon just as Maurice Doreal claimed to have found and translated the Book of Thoth, but who or what was Mormon and who or what was Thoth? Well, my personal opinion is they weren't God, but DEVILS disguised as angels of light, but that's just my opinion right, so maybe just maybe Mormon and Thoth are God and Jesus is the Devil. O my God, St Anthony, that's HERESY. Yer, I know, but I'm using hyperbole to make a point, okay. Yer, okay, St Anthony, so I guess Jesus really is God after all. Yep, that's right, HE IS!!

Yours in the battle for planet earth,

Rev Dr Anthony G. Pike (UK)

Cosmic Research Foundation

Newark, Notts NG24, England

Tel 44-7742-555574/7719-495111

Date 18th June 2024


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