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Rapture Airlift Update

To: cosmicrfgroup

Date: Sun, 7 Apr 2024 07:15:30 +0100

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Global Theocratic Movement

St Anthony - making the planet great again by establishing God's paradaisical theocratic kingdom on earth

As many of you may know, Christians all believe they're going to be airlifted off the planet at any moment, but nobody's quite sure which moment and so its been going on like that for the last 2000 yrs. Now, there have been airlifts of certain individuals off the planet, but only 4 known ones have been listed in the Bible a) Enoch b) Moses c) Elijah d) Jesus. So, the question is will millions of Christians all be airlifted off the planet or not? Well, basically NO, but it would be more appropriate to ask are Christians going to be saved? Well, basically NO, because they base their assumptions on a false premise ie. the laws of God have been nailed to the cross. Now, as everybody should know, if you break the law you either go to jail or are put to death and if you tell the judge that Jesus has saved you he's still going to prosecute you whether you like it or not. Now, according to the Book of Revelation there will be 144,000 circumcised celibate Jews who will be put to death by the Antichrist and then when Christ returns will be resurrected to rule over the earth for 1000 yrs. However, there are serious problems with this premise as finding 144,000 circumcised celibate Jews is a near on impossibility, especially as Jews are taught to breed like rabbits. Anyway, the general thesis that we're in the end-times leading up to the return of Christ is generally accepted by most theologians and St Anthony himself has put a deadline for Jesus to return of Thurs 30th May 2030 because we can't keep pussyfooting around on this subject as Jesus told his disciples he'd be back in a tick after seeing his father, but never showed up - so as they saying goes, its now or NEVER!!

Yours in the battle for planet earth,

Rev Dr Anthony G. Pike (UK)

Cosmic Research Foundation

Newark, Notts NG24, England

Tel 44-7742-555574/7719-495111

Date 7th April 2024

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