Daniel Pike RIP!
From: cosmicrf@hotmail.com
To: cosmicrfgroup (cosmicrf@hotmail.com)
Date: Tue, 11 Jun 2024 16:05:30 +0100
Attachments: danielpike2.jpg (23.6 KB), danielhut11.jpg (33.9 KB),
danielpike14.jpg (99.8 KB)
Xtraordinary Men Int'l
'Stop crime, satanism and child abuse - lock up the police, judiciary and the govt' St Anthony
St Anthony's beloved only begotten son, Daniel, who was satanically abused in childhood when he received the supernatural seal of Satan on his forehead at the age of 8 by a demon-possessed pastor named Derek Balaam, 74, meaning way of Baal aka Satan resulting in him being sacrificed to Satan by occult means at the age of 13, but St Anthony fasted for 2 wks to save his life but was unable to save his soul. Then, in Aug 2008 he was abducted by alien devils while out camping in Kent at the age of 20 and had his DNA taken, brain reprogrammed and implanted with microchips. Then, in Sept 2016 he had his beloved hut in the woods at Carpenders Park demolished by the Woodland Trust at the age of 28 because nobody in jolly old England can live at one with God, the universe and everything but must all be 9-5 slaves of the demo(n)cratic capitalist Antichrist. Then, he became a registered mental patient and eventually died on 29th April 2024 aged 36 while St Anthony himself is still going strong at 74. Daniel's funeral will take place at the Methodist Church, Carpenders Park, Herts at 11am on Thurs 13th June 2024 followed by burial at Woodcock Hill Cemetery, Rickmansworth, Herts. In remembrance, here's Daniel's beloved hut in the woods at www.youtube.com/watch?v=mBoIVnmaRNw and here's his favourite song at www.youtube.com/watch?v=m0lJUT0yZcI.
Yours in the battle for planet earth,
Rev Dr Anthony G. Pike (UK)
Cosmic Research Foundation
Newark, Notts NG24, England
E-Mail cosmicrf@hotmail.com
Tel 44-7742-555574/7719-495111
Date 11th June 2024
