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Apollo 20 Update


To: cosmicrfgroup Date: Thu, 17 Sep 2020 11:14:30 +0530 Attachments: williamrutledge.jpg (70.6 KB), williamrutledge1.jpg (58.7 KB), leonasnyder.jpg (133 KB), alexeileonov.jpg (137 KB)

Real Wiki Leaks St Anthony - revealing the truth the others can't reach When Apollo 20 Cdr William Rutledge, 90, in exile in Rwanda released top secret classified footage of the Aug 1976 mission to the far side of the moon to check out an alien mothership which was lying intact and seen by an earlier NASA Apollo mission, but was carefully airbrushed out by NASA to prevent a panic, UFO researchers in general ridiculed the Apollo 20 footage claiming that NASA was no longer sending spacecraft to the moon. Yes, of course, they stopped sending spacecraft to the moon, but the military didn't and simply took over from where NASA left off as all the equipment was already there waiting to be used. So, voila, on 16th Aug 1976 Apollo 20 lifted off from Vandenberg AFB, CA with 3 astronauts on board 1) Cdr William Rutledge 2) Leona Synder 3) Alexei Leonov and on arriving at the Delporte crater on the far side of the moon they investigated the mothership and discovered a female pilot intact and described by Rutledge as not being dead nor alive. They then took the female pilot back to earth where Rutledge says she is in a live condition. In fact, a clip of her on board the Apollo spacecraft shows the pilot, nicknamed Mona Lisa, suddenly animate herself for all to see at So, folks, the truth is out there despite UFO researchers and the US Govt covering it up. Meanwhile, there's no news from William Rutledge since about 12 yrs as his YouTube channel has all his Apollo 20 vids removed leaving only one vid referring to his website at which is also removed. So, my guess is that poor ole William was taken out by the powers that be and the alien pilot is probably housed at the super secret alien base at Papoose Mtn, Area 51, NV. Meanwhile, we know that Alexei Leonov died last year and Leona Snyder may or may not be still alive aged 83. So, folks, welcome to REALITY whether you like it or not, but of one thing you can be certain, the US Govt will never ever tell the truth about the alien presence. However, my suggestion is that an army of patriots led by Donny boy storm Area 51 and let's all find out what the aliens are really up to - all those in favour say AYE!! Yours in the battle for planet earth, Rev Dr Anthony G. Pike (UK) Cosmic Research Foundation Markapur, A.P. 523316, India E-Mail Tel 91-8596-224312/9959-684635 Date 17th Sept 2020


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