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World's Greatest Hoax!

From: To: cosmicrfgroup Date: Thu, 21 Jan 2021 11:49:30 +0530 Attachment: vernoncoleman1.jpg (90.0 KB) Real Wiki Leaks St Anthony - exposing the lies, revealing the truth Folks, this is the big one!! Yep, that's right, St Anthony is trying to figure out which is the world's greatest hoax of all time 1) election hoax 2) covid hoax 3) holocaust hoax 4) big bang hoax 5) salvation hoax 6) flat earth hoax 7) UFO hoax. So, folks, I need your help to decide which is the world's greatest hoax, but provisionally I've put them all as a TIE for 1st place. Now, in respect to the US election everyone with a brain the size of a pea knows the whole thing was 100% rigged from start to finish to enable a far left commie radical to win. Then, there's the covid hoax which is designed to bankrupt the planet and establish the New World Order of the Antichrist. Then, there's the holocaust hoax where 6 million non-existent Jews were gassed to death in non-existent gas chambers. Then, there's the big bang hoax which says a universe the size of a pea exploded and created a never-ending universe. Then, there's the salvation hoax which says you can all go to heaven without doing anything to get there. Then, there's the flat earth hoax which says the earth is flat not round and is in fact square. Then, finally, there's the UFO hoax which says spacecraft from other planets are high-flying geese, swamp gas and weather balloons. So, one might say, which is the world's biggest JOKE, but to maintain continuity we'll keep it as world's biggest hoax. So, my dear demo(n)cratic capitalist friend, please RSVP in a plain brown envelope to avoid people thinking you're stark raving MAD!! Yours in the battle for planet earth, Rev Dr Anthony G. Pike (UK) Cosmic Research Foundation Markapur, A.P. 523316, India E-Mail Tel 91-8596-224312/9959-684635 Date 21st Jan 2021

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