St Anthony Speaks Update
To: cosmicrfgroup
Date: Mon, 13 Jan 2025 09:39:30 +0000
Attachments: agpchrist.jpg (50.2 KB), jesusface.jpg (17.9 KB), agpwant.jpg (89.0 KB)
Xtraordinary Men Int'l
'Did we as British citizens agree to mass murder millions of innocent people and conquer the world - no' St Anthony
'What's the difference between the incineration of Los Angeles and the incineration of Gaza - one is rich and the other is poor' St Anthony
Hi, sailors, ever wondered why scientists just don't get it about anything, especially about the origin of the universe and in fact the origin of anything? Well, first off, everything that's taught in Oxford and Cambridge, Harvard and Yale is a load of COBBLERS ie. its designed to get you a job in the 100% corrupt demo(n)cratic capitalist system and make pots of money for yourself, but nothing else ie. your future is burning forever in an eternal lake of molten lava, but those who forsake demo(n)cracy and capitalism and live a life at one with God, the universe and everything go to heaven when they die - pretty neat, huh. Anyway, just for the record, the universe created God not vice versa as the universe has always existed ie. has no beginning and no end ad infinitum ie. no big bang and no big crunch, as its a self-creating self-sustaining living organism, period - now stuff that up your exhaust pipe, Mr Scientist, and smoke it!!
Yours in the battle for planet earth,
Rev Dr Anthony G. Pike (UK)
Cosmic Research Foundation
Newark, Notts NG24, England
Tel 44-7742-555574/7719-495111
Date 13th Jan 2025