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Secret Societies Exposed!

From: To: cosmicrfgrou Date: Mon, 17 Apr 2023 09:08:30 +0100 Attachments: albertpike5.jpg (19.8 KB), agpike.jpg (26.4 KB) Institute of Satanic Studies St Anthony - making America great again by restoring it to its rightful owners the Native American Indians For those who may not know, St Anthony's calling in life is to rectify the atrocities committed by his ancestor, Albert Pike (1809-1891), who wrote the Freemason's Bible Morals & Dogma and who forsook our family's Quaker heritage and that of our close friend, William Penn (1644-1718), who donated 10,000 acres of prime real estate to the Pike family in 1698 known as Pikeland, PA which St Anthony has offered to hand back to the Native Americans from whom it was stolen by the mass-murdering Bible-bashing British hoodlums. Now, an excellent vid has recently been posted at which is a copy of the original Feb 2021 vid at which exposes the plan of the Freemasons and other secret societies to establish the New World Order of the Antichrist. So, my dear dumbed-down drugged-up demo(n)cratic capitalist 9-5 zombie slaves of the New World Order of the Antichrist, WAKE UP and come join the global theocratic revolution to establish God's paradaisical kingdom on earth - all those in favour say AYE!! Yours in the battle for planet earth, Rev Dr Anthony G. Pike (UK) Cosmic Research Foundation Newark, Notts NG24, England E-Mail Tel 44-7742-555574/7719-495111 Web Date 17th April 2023


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