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Re: Mike Mosley Abducted Pt 2

To: cosmicrfgroup

Date: Mon, 10 Jun 2024 09:25:30 +0100

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UFO Research & Advisory Service

St Anthony - revealing the truth about the alien presence on earth

Now, first off, everything the BBC and other mass media say about Mike Mosley's disappearance and eventual reappearance dead 4 days later yesterday afternoon doesn't make any sense going by the BBC official account. Now, we know that Mike, 67, and his wife, Clare, 62, were staying with friends at Pedi Beach and they and their friends had all gone to nearby St Nicholas Beach, but Mike then felt queasy and decided to return to their friend's house leaving his wife and friends at St Nicholas Beach. However, its clear that Mike never made it back to his friend's place as he simply disappeared into thin air, but maybe just maybe he did make it back to the house and then vanished into thin air, but that we'll probably never know. Anyway, be that as it may, the key to the whole affair is Mike's beloved BROLLY which he carried with him at all times to shade himself from the sun, but of course the police will never mention whether the brolly was still with him when the body suddenly reappeared on a rocky hillside about a mile NE of Pedi Beach 4 days later yesterday afternoon. Yes, my dear Mr Plod, the BROLLY!! You see, my understanding is that the brolly was not found with the body and of course the state of the body will never be known nor whether there was any clothes, if any, still on the body and whether the clothes were the same as when he went missing. Remember, the similar case of Nicola Bulley who vanished into thin air in St Michael-on-Wyre on 27th Jan 2023 then suddenly reappeared dead in underbrush beside the River Wyre 3 wks later on 19th Feb 2023 about a mile away from where she went missing wearing totally different clothes to what she was wearing when she went missing and the body completely mutilated beyond recognition, but then again all this information is classified and must not be mentioned on pain of death. O well, looks like the MIBs will be paying me a visit shortly!!

Yours in the battle for planet earth,

Rev Dr Anthony G. Pike (UK)

Cosmic Research Foundation

Newark, Notts NG24, England

Tel 44-7742-555574/7719-495111

Date 10th June 2024

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