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Re: Free Lucy Letby!

To: cosmicrfgroup

Date: Fri, 24 May 2024 07:39:30 +0100

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Theocratic Parliament of Britain

'Stop crime, satanism and child abuse - lock up the police, judiciary and the govt' St Anthony

The 100% corrupt UK judicial system is to decide today if dear little Lucy Letby, 34, in Bronzefield Supermax who wouldn't hurt a fly and who loved and cared for post-natal babies with all her heart in a decrepit understaffed Chester hospital will have her whole life order overturned on appeal and the NHS scum who run the hospital be given a whole life order in hell forever. Yer, but, St Anthony, how do you know she's innocent when everyone else says she's guilty? Look, dummo, the whole NHS system is guilty of mass murder of millions of people every year, but nobody gives the NHS a whole life order, so why should little Lucy Letby who wouldn't hurt a fly be given a whole life order for doing the job of 3 nurses in a decrepit understaffed hospital? So, St Anthony says free Lucy Letby and lock up the NHS scum who run the hospital FOREVER!!

Yours in the battle for planet earth,

Rev Dr Anthony G. Pike (UK)

Cosmic Research Foundation

Newark, Notts NG24, England

Tel 44-7742-555574/7719-495111

Date 24th May 2024

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