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Planet Earth Update

From: To: cosmicrfgroup Date: Tue, 27 Jun 2023 12:30:30 +0100 Attachment: exodus.jpg (254 KB) Global Theocratic Movement 'Which is more of a propagandist lie a) holocaust b) pandemic - both' St Anthony 'On earth whistleblowers are locked up in nut houses and psychos run the planet' St Anthony Hi, sailors, welcome to planet earth, the greatest nut house for the terminally insane in the universe!! Yep, that's right, my dear demented demo(n)cratic capitalist numbskulls, and you thought that because you were educated at Harrow and Eton and Oxford and Cambridge and given a piece of toilet paper with alphabet letters on it that you were intelligent when in fact if you'd followed Jesus example and gone out into the desert and fasted for 40 days you would receive all the information you would ever need. Yep, that's right, folks, like Moses, Elijah and Jesus who all went to Mt Sinai aka Gebal Halal and fasted in the cave there and even like St Anthony did in Feb/March 1988 in the 40th year of the founding of the state of Israel albeit for only 7 days, but had in fact fasted for 41 days in India in 1975 and received all the info he needed directly from God to fulfil his ministry here on earth just as Moses, Elijah and Jesus did - pretty neat, huh. Yours in the battle for planet earth, Rev Dr Anthony G. Pike (UK) Cosmic Research Foundation Newark, Notts NG24, England E-Mail Tel 44-7742-555574/7719-495111 Web Date 27th June 2023


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