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Pagan Britain Update

To: cosmicrfgroup

Date: Sat, 4 May 2024 08:55:30 +0100

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Theocratic Parliament of Britain

'Britain is a nation of black magic, voodoo and satanism, but nobody knows what black magic, voodoo and satanism is' St Anthony

Ever wondered why Britain is the most pagan country in the world whose govt legalises sin and condemns righteousness? Well, its simple really as so-called Christianity is an apostate religion founded by an apostate Jew in AD50 and made the official religion of the Roman Empire in AD380 ie. the city of 7 hills at Rome is the headquarters of the ANTICHRIST!! Now, with this in mind, its a simple step to understand that inside the church itself black magic, voodoo and satanism flourishes under the guise of Christianity ie. wolves in sheep's clothing. Now, St Anthony has firsthand experience of all this devilry which destroyed his own family with St Anthony's only begotten son Daniel receiving the seal of Satan on his forehead at the age of 8 and was scheduled to be sacrificed to Satan by occult means at the age of 13, but due to my fasting for 2 wks his life was spared, but not his soul. Then, at the age of 20 he was abducted by demonic alien greys in Kent and had his DNA taken and his brain re-programmed and implanted with microchips. Then, eventually he became a registered mental patient and ultimately died on Mon 29th April 2024 aged 36. Now, bearing in mind that before all this St Anthony's beloved only begotten son was born on Yom Kippur Sat 3rd Oct 1987, circumcised on the 8th day and died on the High Sabbath at the end of Passover Week and bearing in mind that St Anthony himself was born on Easter Sunday 9th April 1950 just as Jesus was born on Easter Sunday 20th April 2BC and died on Good Friday 7th April AD30 aged 30 and was resurrected on Easter Sunday 9th April AD30. So, my dear demo(n)cratic capitalist infidels, St Anthony urges you to REPENT NOW and come join the global theocratic revolution to establish God's paradaisical kingdom on earth - all those in favour say AYE!!

Yours in the battle for planet earth,

Rev Dr Anthony G. Pike (UK)

Cosmic Research Foundation

Newark, Notts NG24, England

Tel 44-7742-555574/7719-495111

Date 4th May 2024

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