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Mossad Take Down Pt 2

To: cosmicrfgroup

Date: Thu, 19 Sep 2024 06:40:30 +0100

Attachments: netanyahu.jpg (104 KB), antonyblinken.jpg (69.9 KB),

davidbarnea.jpg (111 KB)

Theocratic Parliament of Israel

St Anthony - making Israel great again by rebuilding God's temple in Jerusalem

Well, wouldn't ya know!! Yep, that's right, folks, our London-educated Italian device manufacturer, Cristiana Arcidiacono, 45, in Budapest is a Mossad agent who's been churning out numerous types of explosive devices to supply to Lebanon in the form of pagers, walkie talkies and cellphones et al. So, the question is where exactly is she and where exactly are all these explosive devices being manufactured? Well, the simple answer is nobody knows because its CLASSIFIED, but what St Anthony suggests is that all these mass murdering baby killers, including Bibi, Blinken and Barnea, be hunted down and arrested and put in Gitmo forthwith and toute suite - all those in favour say AYE!!

Yours in the battle for planet earth,

Rev Dr Anthony G. Pike (UK)

Cosmic Research Foundation

Newark, Notts NG24, England

Tel 44-7742-555574/7719-495111

Date 19th Sept 2024


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