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Macron Defeated!

To: cosmicrfgroup

Date: Wed, 3 Jul 2024 07:45:30 +0100

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Xtraordinary Men Int'l

St Anthony - revealing the truth the others can't reach

Well, folks, guess it had to happened!! Yep, that's right, Marine Le Pen, 55, has defeated the only President to have got away with having sex with his headmistress, Emmanuel Macron, 46, when he was 15 and his headmistress, Brigitte Auziere nee Trogneux, was 39 when she was a already married to Andre Auziere with 3 kids, whereas if it was any other person they would have been clapped in irons and imprisoned for life or guillotined in front of the Elysee Palace. So, how the hell did Macron get away with it? Well, he's the President, but he wasn't the President when he was having it off with his already married headmistress at the Lycee la Providence High School in Macron's native Amiens where she was teaching Latin and French. So, the question still arises, how the hell did he get away with it? Ain't got a clue, mate, but I guess it sets the stage for other Presidents to be immune from prosecution a la Donny and Stormy et al, but in Donny's case he still runs the risk of being locked up in Gitmo, but if that fails Eric Coomer will simply press the button and switch all Donny's votes to brain-dead Joey boy - simple, ain't it!!

Yours in the battle for planet earth,

Rev Dr Anthony G. Pike (UK)

Cosmic Research Foundation

Newark, Notts NG24, England

Tel 44-7742-555574/7719-495111

Date 3rd July 2024

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