James Casbolt Update
From: cosmicrf@hotmail.com To: cosmicrfgroup Date: Wed, 29 Mar 2023 17:45:30 +0100 Attachment: jamesmini.jpg (85.9 KB) Xtraordinary Men Int'l 'Be afraid, be very afraid, James '007' Bolt is coming to town' St Anthony 'James '007' Bolt - licensed by the Queen to shoot porn movies and kill scumbags' St Anthony First off, James has always been a mate of mine and will always be a mate of mine because that's what mates are for. Now, in addition, I was also a close friend of his billionairess wife, Haley Meijer, 37, in Los Angeles d/o of Hank & Deborah Meijer in Grand Rapids, MI, but due to influence from the late Max Spiers (1976-2016) girlfriend, Sarah Adams, 37, in Malibu, CA Haley dumped James penniless in the street after giving birth to his only begotten son, Dresden, on 28th Dec 2012 in San Antonio, TX. In addition, James was then banned from ever staying in the good ole US of A and consequently banned from ever seeing his beloved only begotten son ever again forever. Then, once James was back in jolly old England he was then slung in jail for trying to extract a divorce settlement from his wayward billionairess wife after which James vanished into thin air on 23rd July 2019 never to be seen again forever, but is assumed to be locked away in Salisbury Plain DUMB just down the road from where he was incarcerated in Erlestoke Supermax. Anyway, James left the world his autobiography at whale.to/b/mannequin.html whale.to/b/casbolt_b.html which exposes the whole global cover-up of the alien takeover of planet earth. Meanwhile, Haley has gone back to her meaningless life of posting racy pics of herself on tiktok and instagram and singing meaningless songs, the most famous of which was Jesus Christ Is Good In Bed which she then took down after she realised it didn't fit her new so-called Christian persona. Meanwhile, James only begotten son, Dresden, has also disappeared into thin air, but I suspect he's been given away for adoption. Anyway, I've attached my E-Mail to Haley which sadly bounced as she doesn't want anything more to do with either me or James. O well, c'est la vie, that's life as they say in old Chinatown!! Yours in the battle for planet earth, Rev Dr Anthony G. Pike (UK) Cosmic Research Foundation Newark, Notts NG24, England E-Mail cosmicrf@hotmail.com Tel 44-7742-555574/7719-495111 Web cosmicrf.wix.com/crfdn Date 29th March 2023 From: cosmicrf@hotmail.com
To: haleymeijer@mac.com Subject: Hi Haley Date: Wed, 22 Mar 2023 17:09:30 +0000 Attachment: jamesmini.jpg (85.9 KB) Hi Haley, This is a personal email as you're no longer on our list. I am now going to be 73 on 9th April! No, we don't get any younger and we can't put the water back under the bridge. My current website is cosmicrf.wix.com/crfdn which replaced my previous website cosmicrf.wordpress.com which was banned at the height of your break-up with James. I'm not sure what happened to your mum, but your gran recently died aged 102! You appear to be carrying on as you had been prior to meeting James, but there's no trace of your son, Dresden, aged 10 born on the same day as James birthday. James, as you may know, was incarcerated in Erlestoke Supermax, in Devizes, Wilts just down the road from Miles Johnston, but was then secretly transferred to Salisbury Plain high security DUMB on 23rd July 2019 never to be seen again. Does this worry you in any way and am I right in guessing you may have given Dresden away for adoption? That was James only begotten son and it totally destroyed him mentally to have Dresden forcibly removed. Meanwhile, I was kicked out of India last year for being the wrong skin colour even though I'd lived there nearly half my life. I'm now in Newark, UK near where my sister lives. You and James could have enjoyed a very fruitful life together, but like many women you dumped James which resulted in actions by the UK Govt wiping him off the face of the map. Attached is a pic of James famous NSA '007' Mini Cooper S after I gave him the moniker James '007' Bolt. Anyway, you had your 5 min of fame as the wife of the real life James Bond and James had his 5 min of fame as the husband of a billionairess. AGP