Holocaust Memorial
From: cosmicrf@hotmail.com
To: cosmicrfgroup
Date: Thu, 18 Jul 2024 14:56:30 +0100
Attachment: holomem.jpg (410 KB)
Theocratic Parliament of Britain
'Israel can never tell the truth about anything forever, period' St Anthony
'The Jews control the world through banks, politics, religion, hollywood, mass media and wars' St Anthony
Its unbelievable but true!! Yep, that's right, folks, a holocaust memorial is to be built outside the Houses of Parliament in memoriam of the 7 million Germans killed by Jews in World War II. Yer, but, St Anthony, its in memoriam of the 6 million Jews killed by Hitler. Look, dummo, when the Jewish-run BBC broadcast that Hitler had gassed 6 million Jews little Anne Frank heard it on her crackly old radio and wrote it down in her diary and the rest is history, but the whole thing was a propaganda ploy to turn the world against Hitler who was regarded by Germans as the saviour of Germany, Europe and the world. In fact, the total population of Jews in Europe at the start of the was 4 million and the total population of Jews in Europe at the end of the war was 3.8 million with 200,000 dying from disease, malnutrition and hypothermia caused by the Allies winning the war and cutting off supplies to the camps. So, yes, by all means have a holocaust memorial outside the Houses of Parliament in remembrance of the 7 million Germans killed by Jews in World War II and also the 5 million Palestinians being killed by Jews today.
Yours in the battle for planet earth,
Rev Dr Anthony G. Pike (UK)
Cosmic Research Foundation
Newark, Notts NG24, England
E-Mail cosmicrf@hotmail.com
Tel 44-7742-555574/7719-495111
Date 18th July 2024
