Hitler's Legacy
From: cosmicrf@hotmail.com
To: cosmicrfgroup
Date: Wed, 26 Mar 2025 14:39:30 +0000
Attachments: hitler5.jpg (172 KB), hitlerjew.jpg (404 KB), hitlerjew1.jpg (233 KB)
Theocratic Parliament of Germany
St Anthony - making Germany great again by overthrowing the Jewish banksters and establishing the 1000 yr 4th Reich
St Anthony - making Germany great again by establishing the 4th Reich of King Peter I aka Peter Fitzek, 59, in Wittenberg, Germany
Hitler tried to save the world from Jewish banksters, but as Jewish banksters controlled all banks, govts and media Hitler failed despite being worshipped as the Messiah. Then, as you all know, the Jewish-run BBC announced to the world that Hitler had gassed to death 6 million Jews and when little ole Anne Frank heard it on her crackly old radio she wrote it in her diary and the rest is history. However, the fact is there were only 4 million Jews in the whole of Europe at the start of the war and 3.8 million at the end of the war with 200,000 dying from disease, malnutrition and hypothermia due to the Allies cutting off supplies to the camps. So, all in all, due to Jewish propaganda, including the Jewish-run KGB announcing that 4 million Jews had been gassed to death in Auschwitz alone, the Jewish lies and disinformation continue unabated and anyone who objects is ridiculed and locked up or simply assassinated by Mossad. O well, c'est la vie, that's life as they say in old Chinatown!!
Yours in the battle for planet earth,
Rev Dr Anthony G. Pike (UK)
Cosmic Research Foundation
Newark, Notts NG24, England
E-Mail cosmicrf@hotmail.com
Tel 44-7742-555574/7719-495111
Date 26th March 2025
