Gaza Genocide Update
To: cosmicrfgroup
Date: Sun, 23 Mar 2025 16:24:30 +0000
Attachments: gaza8.jpg (665 KB), israel2.jpg (93.9 KB), israel5.jpg (171 KB),
israel11.jpg (139 KB), israel12.jpg (256 KB), israel13.jpg (132 KB)
Theocratic Parliament of Israel
St Anthony - making Israel great again by rebuilding God's temple in Jerusalem
The number of innocent bedouin peasants murdered by Jews in Gaza has now officially crossed 50,000 with over 113,000 maimed and injured since the Israeli massacre of bedouins and Jewish settlers on 7th Oct 2023 after inmates from the Gaza prison camp were released by Israel and then gunned down by helicopter gunships and tanks along with Jewish settlers with some managing to escape back into the Gaza prison camp where they were then carpet-bombed to death by Israel. So, the question is why does the world do absolutely nothing to stop this massacre of innocents? Simple, the people carrying out the massacre are Jews who are chosen by God to kill people who don't like Jews. However, the problem with this theory is that God rejected the Jews shortly after saving them from Egypt 3500 yrs ago and then 2000 yrs ago Jesus condemned them for being hypocrites and now St Anthony has condemned them for mass murdering 7 million Germans in World War II and 5 million Palestinians today. So, all in all, the Jews have been found GUILTY and are condemned to a never-ending burning hell never to be seen again, whereas the innocent bedouins have been redeemed by God and will be with him for eternity in heaven. So, bye bye, Mr Bibi and your mass murdering Jews, and GOOD RIDDANCE!!
Yours in the battle for planet earth,
Rev Dr Anthony G. Pike (UK)
Cosmic Research Foundation
Newark, Notts NG24, England
Tel 44-7742-555574/7719-495111
Date 23rd March 2025
