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Conspiracy Update

From: To: cosmicrfgroup Date: Wed, 16 Nov 2022 11:20:30 +0000 Attachment: conspiracy.jpg (397 KB) Institute of Satanic Studies 'You either have to live at one with God, the universe and everything or live at one with the Devil, hell and oblivion' St Anthony Hi, sailors, the good ship Lollipop is going through a rocky patch at the moment, but have no fear St Anthony is here!! Look, St Anthony, cut the bullsh~t, what's on your mind this time? Okay, my dear demo(n)cratic capitalist dummo, here's the lowdown a) millions of dumbed-down drugged-up dimwits have been injected with DNA-modifying toxic sh~t and turned into moronic permanently disabled mind-controlled zombies b) demo(n)cracy and capitalism are 100% satanic and have destroyed the planet in less than 100 yrs c) govts tell lies about everything and you're never gonna find out the truth about anything d) UFOs & ETs are real and not just high-flying geese, weather balloons, swamp gas, hollywood actors or rubber dummies e) you're either gonna burn forever in a lake of molten lava or live forever in a paradise of lush green meadows and roaming buffalo herds as far as the eye can see f) the universe was once the size of a pea and exploded or the universe is a self-creating self-sustaining living organism without beginning and without end g) the universe created God not God created the universe and so the list goes on, but that's good enough for starters. So, folks, are you willing to face REALITY or perish forever in your artificial man-made hell on earth - the CHOICE, my dear dumbed-down drugged-up demo(n)cratic capitalist friend, is YOURS!! Yours in the battle for planet earth, Rev Dr Anthony G. Pike (UK) Cosmic Research Foundation Newark, Notts NG24, England E-Mail Tel 44-7742-555574/7719-495111 Web Date 16th Nov 2022

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