Churchill Remembered
To: cosmicrfgroup
Date: Sat, 30 Nov 2024 09:32:30 +0000
Attachments: churchill1.jpg (78.0 KB), hitler5.jpg (172 KB), jewpro.jpg (294 KB)
Theocratic Parliament of Britain
'Today is chain-smoking mass murdering psychopath Winston Churchill's 150th birthday celebration who at the end of the war incinerated the whole city of Dresden as a whole burnt offering to his Jewish God Marduk' St Anthony
Hi, sailors, welcome to jolly old England's celebration of the greatest mass murdering psychopath's 150th birthday anniversary, chain-smoking Winston Churchill (1874-1965). Yer, but, St Anthony, Churchill defeated Hitler who gassed 6 million Jews to death in the concentration camps. Yes, of course he did, the BBC knows that as they're the ones who broadcast the Jewish propaganda to turn public opinion against Hitler who was regarded by Germans as the saviour of the world. You see, my dear brain-dead Jewish-controlled demo(n)cratic capitalist zombie, it was the Jews who murdered 7 million Germans not the Germans who murdered 6 million Jews. In fact, Hitler had ordered all Jews to leave Europe and the 4 million who didn't were put to work in labour camps with 3.8 million of those 4 million surviving the war and the remaining 200,000 dying of disease, malnutrition and hypothermia caused by the Allies cutting off supplies to the camps. So, just as the Jews today are mass murdering 5 million Palestinians through mass murder, disease, malnutrition and hypothermia they're using the same tactics as they did in World War II against the Germans remembering the UK/US/USSR axis of evil was all run by Jews who wanted to get their revenge on Hitler for locking up the Jewish banksters who owned and controlled the world. So, let's all remember the Jewish-controlled mass murdering chain-smoking psychopath, Winston Churchill, who slaughtered 7 million Germans whose only crime was to save the world from Jewish banksters.
Yours in the battle for planet earth,
Rev Dr Anthony G. Pike (UK)
Cosmic Research Foundation
Newark, Notts NG24, England
Tel 44-7742-555574/7719-495111
Date 30th Nov 2024
