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Chip Implant Update

From: To: cosmicrfgroup Date: Fri, 12 Nov 2021 11:26:30 +0530 Attachment: billgates4.jpg (126 KB) Antichrist Resistance Movement St Anthony - curing disease naturally without drugs, drills, scalpels, dentists or doctors It came as a bit of shock to discover that all dogs in UK must be mandatorily chipped with all the owner's personal details ie. while humans are still waiting to receive their Bill Gates luciferase microchip implant which was put on a back-burner after millions of people complained that his 666 Mark of the Beast chip implant linked to the 100% bogus covid plandemic scam and its associated mandatory DNA-modifying immune system-destroying covid vaccine is a fulfilment of the Biblical prophecy concerning the Antichrist in the Book of Revelation. Anyway, be that as it may, the prophecy has been fulfilled in the case of DOGS, but humans are still waiting for the mandatory 666 chip implant courtesy of Bill Gates, Dr Fauci and George Soros. However, with everyone now requiring vaccine passports to go anywhere, get a job and do your shopping its only a question of time before the 666 chip implant is made mandatory so that you can live in the Antichrist's New World Order great reset new normal - pretty neat, huh. Yours in the battle for planet earth, Rev Dr Anthony G. Pike (UK) Cosmic Research Foundation Markapur, A.P. 523316, India E-Mail Tel 91-8596-224312/9959-684635 Date 12th Nov 2021


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