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Bartail Godwit

From: To: cosmicrfgroup Date: Tue, 2 Feb 2021 21:00:30 +0530 Attachment: godwit.jpg (183 KB) Global Theocratic Movement St Anthony - establishing God's paradaisical theocratic kingdom on earth I know its a bit of a leap of the imagination to jump from hi-tech UFOs which can travel across the vastness of the universe to the humble Bartail Godwit which travels thousands of miles across the Pacific from New Zealand to Alaska via China and back from Alaska direct to New Zealand which is a total of 18,000 miles round trip. Now, remember that the humble Bartail Godwit has no hi-tech flying equipment except for a pea-size brain which steers it across thousands of miles of ocean to reach its destination and then all the way back again once every year of its life. Now, my point is that its utterly impossible for a humble bird to do this, so there has to be something that we've all missed ie. the God dimension. You see, whoever named the bird God had his wits about him!! Yes, folks, the humble Godwit has been totally engineered by G-O-D himself or let's just say engineered by the universe of which the Godwit is a part and totally at one with, hence the ability to travel vast distances and arrive safely at its destination. Now, statistically about 40% of all birds are migratory ie. they travel from one part of the world to another and back again, and, remember, this is all without any education, any university degree and without any technology - WOW!! Yours in the battle for planet earth, Rev Dr Anthony G. Pike (UK) Cosmic Research Foundation Markapur, A.P. 523316, India E-Mail Tel 91-8596-224312/9959-684635 Date 2nd Feb 2021

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