Agenda 2030 Update
From: To: cosmicrfgroup Date: Tue, 16 Mar 2021 16:04:30 +0530 Attachment: agenda2030.jpg (116 KB) Global Theocratic Movement St Anthony - establishing God's paradaisical theocratic kingdom on earth Hi, sailors, does the year 2030 ring any bells? No, thought not, but its the climax of the ages as far as both God and the Devil are concerned. Yep, that's right, folks, 2030 is exactly 2000 yrs after the death, resurrection and ascension of good ole JC ie. Jesus died on Fri 7th April AD30 was resurrected 39 hrs later on Sun 9th April AD30 and was airlifted off the planet on Thurs 18th May AD30. However, there's no sure affirmation that good ole JC will return by Thurs 30th May 2030 as per Jewish lunar calendar, but we're all keeping our fingers crossed, but the fact of the matter is that good ole JC didn't come back to bump off the Romans in the lifetime of his disciples and so there's no surefire reason why he should suddenly appear now after 2000 yrs of going missing. Now, what I'm trying to say in a roundabout way is that we're all saved by WORKS not by faith believe it or not. In other words, as millions of Christians sit with their fingers crossed watching for signs of Jesus return on CNN and YouTube they will all ultimately perish in hell because sitting around twiddling your thumbs will not save you, but if you are ACTIVELY resisting the Antichrist and establishing God's paradaisical kingdom on earth you will definitely be rewarded for your hard work. So, folks, as everyone is tested, vaxxed and chipped will you resist the Antichrist or will you succumb and become one of his 9-5 zombie slaves? The CHOICE, my dear demo(n)cratic capitalist friend, is YOURS!! Yours in the battle for planet earth, Rev Dr Anthony G. Pike (UK) Cosmic Research Foundation Markapur, A.P. 523316, India E-Mail Tel 91-8596-224312/9959-684635 Date 16th March 2021
