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Prince Philip Wipes Out Humanity!


To: cosmicrfgroup

Date: Tue, 7 Apr 2020 09:16:30 +0530

Attachment: princephilip2.jpg (31.9 KB)

Theocratic Parliament of Britain 'In the event that I am reincarnated I would like to return as a deadly virus to contribute something to solving overpopulation' Prince Philip 1988 The world has known for a very long time that doddering 98 yr old hubby of Queen Jezebel II has vowed to wipe out humanity by reincarnating as a VIRUS ie. corona virus aka common cold aka severe acute respiratory syndrome aka middle east respiratory syndrome and whatever other fancy name the psycho Mengele docs dream up. Yer, but, St Anthony, Prince Philip is still ALIVE!! No he's not, dummo, that's just a plastic blow up doll that Queeny baby gets her kicks out of locked up in her padded boudoir in an Old People's Home. Well, okay, its a CLONE of the original Prince Philip, but either way judging by a recent pic of Philly boy he's had it!! So, folks, wonder why you're going down with the snuffles aka common cold? Yer, that's right, its the dreaded Philly plague named after Queen Jezebel II's hubby - pretty neat, huh. Look, St Anthony, I think you've gone stark raving mad as virtually NO ONE has died from the common cold aka Philly plague as most of the people who've died have died from old age and/or a combination of various life-threatening diseases such as cancer, AIDS, heart disease, diabetes, flu and of course the dreaded 5G radiation disease which fries the brain and turns you into a drivelling 9-5 sombie slave of the New World Order of the Antichrist. Meanwhile, the Antichrist has put the whole world under lockdown aka martial law, except Sweden of course who are already chipped-up zombie slaves anyway. Meanwhile, the rest of the world are dropping dead like flies due to starvation and mass suicide. Meanwhile, world govts say that they will continue the lockdown until the population is reduced to below the stipulated 500 million as per Illuminati guidelines. So, all I can say is bye bye, suckers, and good riddance!! Yours in the battle for planet earth, Rev Dr Anthony G. Pike (UK) Cosmic Research Foundation Markapur, A.P. 523316, India E-Mail Tel 91-8596-224312/9959-684635 Date 7th April 2020

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