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Omega Agency Update


To: cosmicrfgroup

Date: Tue, 10 Dec 2019 08:56:30 +0530

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Real Wiki Leaks St Anthony - smashing the US/UK/EU axis of evil into a thousand pieces This is some info I've discovered on the super secret Omega Agency based out of Langley AFB in Hampton, VA which is the super secret agency which controls the White House, CIA, NSA and just about everything that goes on, on planet earth - pretty spooky, huh. Well, apparently the CIA especially doesn't like it one little bit, but the question is will the CIA bump off the Omega Agency like they did with JFK who wanted to smash the CIA into 1000 pieces? Well, as far as I know the Omega Agency is still going strong, but at least 3 of its former members have pegged it ie. George Bush Sr, Alexander Haig and Gerald Ford, and a 4th member, Colin Powell, is now 82. So, folks, will we see an almighty battle between the CIA and the Omega Agency or will the CIA curtail its activities and be a good little doggie? Well, the jury's still out on that one, so all I can say is hold on to your hats for we're in for one helluva ride!!

Omega Agency by Omega Operative 23rd Sept 2003 The Omega Agency is the above top secret and above the President agency that is working for the good of us all towards a One World Govt for the betterment of all the world and in helping the world join the Galactic Community. Omega Agency has acted as a watchdog agency for many years now. Infiltrating govt agencies, the military and the political circles of this country has been a major part of Omega Agency's operations over the last 74 yrs. For the last 30 yrs this has been my role within Omega Agency. I was given an above top secret clearance by Omega Agency which allowed me to infiltrate any and all parts of the govt of the US. During this time, all 15 members of Omega's Council have taken part in these operations and many still do. Our main goal has been to learn the secrets of the New World Order. Learning those secrets has meant uncovering the hidden agendas for the purpose of overthrowing this country's govt and many others of this planet. It has meant finding the truth behind the cover-ups and conspiracies perpetrated by the leaders of our govts. During my years of watching our govt I have been privy to much of the agenda that is now upon us as citizens of this once great nation. I have sat in on meetings where discussions of taking away the rights and freedoms granted by the Constitution of the US had taken place. I have listened to plans to sell out America by some of the leaders of this nation. I have seen the plans to detain Americans in concentration camps that have been created around this and many other countries. I have actually discussed the effects of a nuclear explosion within our major cities with more than one major politician of this country. We have openly discussed the expected causalities of an action such as this. We have talked about the differences between a full-sized nuke and a suitcase nuke's effect on these cities. We have thrown around the possibilities of using such an action to aid in the removal of the Constitution. This and much more was my job within Omega Agency. Absolutely the best part of this job was the fact that these major players had no idea who I was or what or for whom I worked. For 30 yrs these people thought I worked for the Echelon. Echelon is the name chosen by the leaders of the New World Order. Illuminati, Bilderbergers, Knights Templar there are many names used for the barbaric New World Order leadership. It all boils down to being the very same people no matter which name you choose, but they are the 10 families that run the entire world. The people who make the decisions for your life. The people who dictate every move each of you will make throughout your lives. We know them as the owners of the pharmaceutical-petrochemical corps. We know them as the owners of the Federal Reserve Bank. We know them as our Presidents, past, present and future. We'll come to know them as our captors. Omega Agency is the security force of the Universal Govts. Omega Agency came to earth for the following reasons a) earth is the next planet slated for acceptance into the Universal Govts b) now that earth has come into the Atomic Age it poses a threat of pollution to the universe c) the nuclear weapons this planet has in its possession are of phenomenal strength. Such strength and its full potential are unknown to the people of planet earth. The power possessed by these weapons are more than enough to destroy all life, the planet, its atmospheres and in the process take the moon with it. Omega Agency consists of representatives from 752 planets from various parts of the universe. Each planet within Omega Agency and the Universal Govts has a Council of 15 people from the host planet. Earth is no exception. The main objective for Omega Agency on earth is to observe and document the politics of earth. To record history as it really happens for the future. To monitor the subversive groups that make up the govts of so many countries on this planet. To monitor the cover-ups, conspiracies and control perpetrated by these subversive groups. To monitor those in control of the govts such as the pharmaceutical-petrochemical corps who are in total control of the super power govts of planet earth. Omega Agency also monitors the planet to see if it follows the prophecies and Bible code which contain the complete and true history of planet earth.

Yours in the battle for planet earth, Rev Dr Anthony G. Pike (UK) Cosmic Research Foundation Markapur, A.P. 523316, India E-Mail Tel 91-8596-224312/9959-684635 Date 10th Dec 2019

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