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Tommy MEP Update Pt 2


To: hampsteadgroup Date: Mon, 20 May 2019 21:49:30 +0530 Attachment: arishaffir.jpg (24.3 KB)

Theocratic Parliament of Britain

'Britain was once known as Great Britain, but now its known as Little India' St Anthony 'If you take from the tree of knowledge you won't become wise you'll become insane' St Anthony

Hi Jake, How's tricks!! Yep, looks like I kinda riled Jake up a bit by referring to Tommy's followers as white and using the term jungle apes for blacks and chinks for those slitty-eyed monstrosities from Chinkland. Anyway, be that as it may, if the dumb ole British Empire had not ruled the world the world would not have all come to live in good ole Blighty, but nobody listened to Enoch Powell's warning and so the once great Britain is now a Third World banana republic!! Now, personally I have nothing against any race or religion, but if they try to come and live in my space and force their religion and way of life down my throat then it'll mean WAR!! That's why God want's everyone to live in their own tribe and land without interference from outside. This is God's way, but the stupid demo(n)crats and capitalists want to change all that and have an homogenised human race where everyone is equal with women ruling over men rather than men ruling over women ie. a total reversal of God's order. P.S. Here's one of my favourite vids from Ari Shaffir at which is 100% politically incorrect and not suitable for any audience, especially adults - apart from that, pull up a chair and enjoy the show!!

Yours in the battle for planet earth, Rev Dr Anthony G. Pike (UK) Cosmic Research Foundation Markapur, A.P. 523316, India E-Mail Tel 91-8596-224312/9959-684635 Date 20th May 2019

From: jake clarke <>


Subject: Re: Tommy MEP Update

Date: Mon, 20 May 2019 13:43:30 +0100

What the f~ck are you on about making it white you weirdo and those chink and jungle terms? This is far from the reason I contacted you. Are you trying to antagonise and stir up a peculiar reaction for your entertainment and/or some other subtle positive reason perhaps? Jake

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