Reina Michaelson
To: hampsteadgroup
Date: Thu, 27 Dec 2018 11:26:30 +0530
Attachments: reinamichaelson.jpg (26.1 KB), reinamichaelson1.jpg (33.4 KB)
Xtraordinary Men Int'l St Anthony - always controversial and as time goes on tends to get even more controversial I'm kinda turning the spotlight on Dr Reina Michaelson PhD, 48, in Melbourne, Australia which she may or may not fully approve of even though she was very high profile some years ago, but since then has kinda drifted into obscurity which some may find strange, but her attached E-Mail suggests it was due to heavy pressure from Satanists which included a massive court fine as a result of a case against her lodged by a Satanic cult and the possibility of even death threats which is normally the modus operandi of Satanists to shut up the opposition as our 'X-Girl, Angela Disney, 61, in Oldcastle, Co Meath well knows with head Satanist, Ricky Dearman, 49, in Hampstead breathing down her neck along with the rest of the Hoaxtead mob. So, what is Reina doing these days? Well, she's a VIP cosmic warrior in the battle for planet earth which sounds pretty awesome to say the least, but should St Anthony appoint her as one of our intrepid 'X-Girls' or would she prefer to operate clandestinely away from the limelight? Well, that's a good question that only Reina can answer - so, Reina, my dear, its over to YOU!! Yours in the battle for planet earth, Rev Dr Anthony G. Pike (UK) Cosmic Research Foundation Markapur, A.P. 523316, India E-Mail Tel 91-8596-224312/9959-684635 Date 27th Dec 2018
Subject: Reina Michaelson
Date: Wed, 26 Dec 2018 15:16:30 +1100
Thanks Rev, I am now officially a VIP cosmic warrior in the battle for planet earth! I am 48 yrs old. After taking on the Australian elite paedophile network and accompanying corruption that served to protect it from 1997-2005 I have now stepped aside and handed the baton on to others as confronting the depths of evil comes at a pretty big price. I am encouraged by the massive shift in global public awareness since 1997, but there is still so much more to be done. I pray for justice for the victims and survivors and whistleblowers every day. Thanks again for everything, Rev, you are fabulous. Happy New Year! May 2019 bring you every good thing. Reina